On the premiere of Survivor Philippines, Zane Knight became the first person voted out of the Matsing tribe. Zane called in to speak with Rob Cesternino about his very brief Survivor adventure.
Rob asked Zane about how much Russell Hantz was an influence on his game in the Philippines. Zane said that Russell Hantz was definitely an influence on how he played and said that he had no regrets about his strategy this season. Zane said that he wanted to do something so memorable that he wouldn’t be forgotten.
Rob inquired about Zane’s strategy to tell the tribe to vote him out after the immunity challenge. Rob asked if it was something that was ploy to stay in the game or if the tribe or if the tribe didn’t really want him out in the first place. Zane said that it was a total backfire and he wasn’t on the chopping block before that speech.
Discussing Zane’s game, Rob agreed that it was probably too early in the game for Matsing to vote out Russell Swan because of his athletic ability. Without Russell Swan, the Matsing tribe risked being severely outgunned by the other tribes in the immunity challenges. Plus, it hurt Zane to have told Malcolm and Russell that he had already made alliances with everybody on the tribe.
Asking about some of the other players, Rob said that he was very impressed through one night with Malcolm Freberg and Zane agrees that Malcolm is really good at the game. Rob also had high praise for Denise Stapley and Zane said that she is also very good at the game and difficult to read. Zane also claimed that Angie Layton is better at the game than people are giving her credit for.
Finally, Rob asked Zane about sharing a Survivor hometown with Jonny Fairplay since the two are both from Danville, VA. Zane said that he is not a fan of Jonny Fairplay and actually met him one time with his entourage in Danville. Zane says that the people of Danville are fully supporting him as their Survivor and not Jonny Fairplay. Rob asks if maybe there could be a Zane vs. Fairplay in the works and Zane said that he would be up for it.
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