Survivor: Parks and Recreation BrantSteele with Hannah Lil Nessen, Will Sonheim, and Mike Bloom

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Survivor: Parks and Recreation BrantSteele with Hannah Lil Nessen, Will Sonheim, and Mike Bloom

In a special offseason podcast, Rob Cesternino is joined by the co-hosts of the Pawnee Public Radio Hannah Lil Nessen from Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and Will Sonheim as well as the co-host of RHAP B&B, The Amazing Race recaps, and the Top Chef RHAP-up Mike Bloom. Hannah and Will have just began a Parks and Recreation rewatch podcast called Pawnee Public Radio ( under the RHAP umbrella and this podcast simulates a fake Survivor season on BrantSteele with characters from the hit show Parks and Recreation. The season simulates a fake season of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X called Survivor Pawnee: Millennials vs. Gen X.

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