The Interview is Afoot: Talking with Survivor Tarzan

Rob Cesternino Interviews the Final 5 Ladies of Survivor One World. From left to right: Christina Cha, Sabrina Thompson, Survivor Winner Kim Spradlin, Chelsea Meissner, Alicia Rosa[/caption]

This season of Survivor has been about three things. First, it was about the horrible behavior of Colton Cumbie. Second, it was about the stellar gameplay of Kim Spradlin… but through it all there has been one constant, the antics of Greg Smith, better known as Tarzan. Tarzan joins Rob Cesternino to discuss his time on Survivor: One World and shed a little light into what was really going on.

Rob starts off by asking Tarzan just how much of his behavior on the show was a result of his strategy. Tarzan says that he knew that he had to avoid people seeing him as a mastermind and a strategic threat. Tarzan said that he was happy to let players like Colton take the credit for making the strategic decisions in the game.

Tarzan said that he planned to stick with the men’s alliance until the end, but when Troyzan, Jay Byars and Michael Jefferson decided to flip to work with Kim Spradlin, Chelsea Meissner, Sabrina Thompson and Kat Edorsson. Tarzan said that once the men betrayed the men’s alliance, he did not feel bad about following suit to join the women to vote out the other men.

Tarzan goes into great detail about the bacteria that may have brought down Colton Cumbie, explaining in even further detail some medical ailments suffered by Sabrina and by Kat. Tarzan describes that he was working very closely with Alicia Rosa after the merge and had a good relationship with Kim. Tarzan was surprised by how strongly Kim flirted with the idea of voting with himself, Alicia and Christina. Tarzan also claims to have written a six-stanza poem about his Survivor experience. Finally, Tarzan shares his battle with cancer and how he triumphed over the disease.

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