What did John Cochran Think of Colton and the Survivor One World Premiere?

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John Cochran was one of the stars of Survivor: South Pacific and now he joins Rob Cesternino and Nicole to discuss the premiere of Survivor: One World.

We start off by asking John for his thoughts on what he thinks of the twist of the men and women living on one beach. Cochran says that he is actually jealous of the players on this season because he really likes the twist and they don’t have to put up with any returning players.

Rob asks Cochran for his thoughts on Colton because Rob thinks that Colton Cumbie is doing a lot of things that could put him in the same position Cochran was in during Survivor: South Pacific. We discuss whether or not it was a good move for Sabrina Thompson to give Colton the idol on the first episode.

We ask Cochran what he thinks about the alpha male alliance taking hold in the men’s tribe consisting of Matthew J Quinlan, Jay Byars, Michael Jefferson and Bill Posley. Cochran is not too fond of the men’s alliance but he is in love with Bill Posley’s character reel.

On the subject of the women’s tribe, Cochran professes his love for Alicia Rosa, saying that she is the Candace Woodcock to his Billy Garcia. We discuss who ended up looking better in the feud between Alicia and Christina Cha.

On the subject of whether or not the men should have given up their immunity, Rob, Nicole and Cochran were all in agreement that the men should not have risked losing to the women.

Cochran answered a number of questions from the audience including whether he will let people read his college paper about Survivor, what strategy Cochran might use in a future all-stars version of Survivor and whether or not Cochran has ever met fellow Harvard alum and current New York Knicks star, Jeremy Lin.

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