Listen to the Show:
(As recapped by @RHAPrecapper)
Rob and Stephen are providing continuing coverage of Hantzageddon after the latest episode of Survivor Caramoan: Fans vs. Favorites. Brandon Hantz had a psychological breakdown– and Rob wants to know if it was a “quit, vote off, or disqualification.” Stephen thinks it was a vote-off, but Rob thinks it was a quit. Stephen understands Rob’s point, but he says it was in the context of Tribal Council. Rob and Stephen discuss other examples, such as Bill Posley and Jonny Fairplay. Rob says the “quit” never comes out of nowhere– and “Nobody every quits Survivor on a sunny day.”
Rob talks about how Corinne Kaplan announced to Jeff Probst at the immunity challenge that the Favorites tribe wanted to forfeit the challenge, and how Brandon did not make any move to try to stay in the game at that point. Rob says if you are no longer acting in what you believe to be the best strategic way to go, then you are waving the white flag.
Then the Know-it-Alls are joined by a gaggle of women from the NY Wine & Cheese alliance: Courtney Yates, Francesca Hogi, Sophie Clarke from South Pacific, Sabrina Thompson from One World, Nicole Delma from Pearl Islands, and R.C. Saint-Amour from Survivor Philippines. Rob polls them to see if they think Brandon Hantz quit or was voted off. Sophie thinks they should have a rule that a person could defect to the other tribe before every Immunity Challenge. Sophie thought it was sad to see Brandon acting bipolar and not handling his emotions, since he is great at other times. Rob wonders if Brandon is holding a lot of animosity towards Coach. Courtney says it would have been funny if one of the Favorites had voted for someone else.
Next, Rob and Stephen discuss whether Phillip Sheppard can come back from this. Stephen doesn’t think Phillip will be a target. Rob was surprised that Jeff allowed the Fans to stay through the whole scene. Stephen talks about how Jeff must have been in a really uncomfortable position, but handled it well. He thinks it was a little unfair for the Fans to be able to see the Favorites’ Tribal Council. Rob asks Stephen if the Favorites should have at least attempted to do the challenge. Stephen thinks they made the right decision to forego the challenge. Stephen thinks Brandon was psychologically evacuated from the game.
Next they talk about how the Fans were reacting. Reynold Toepfer was loving it– and Rob says he would have reacted the same way. However, both Rob and Stephen thought it was inappropriate for him to ask Jeff to announce them the winners of Immunity.
Rob thought Phillip did a good job handling Brandon during the camp portion of the game, but Stephen disagrees. Stephen thinks Coach counseled Brandon, but Phillip bullied him. Rob thought Phillip became antagonistic when they got to the immunity challenge, and treated Brandon like Boston Rob treated Phillip in Survivor: Redemption Island.
Next they talk about Brandon’s reaction to Phillip being the “hero” of the challenge, which Jeff Probst has said for the past two challenges. Stephen says the Fans used poor strategy for the weight-bearing challenge. Then they talk about Andrea Boehlke’s role in all of this. Rob thought she did a poor job of handling the situation, and Stephen agrees that Andrea made a mistake in bringing Brandon into the alliance to replace Corinne. Rob thinks she should not have tipped Brandon off that he was in danger if they lost the challenge, after Phillip told her he wanted to throw the challenge. Stephen asks Rob about Corinne and Andrea speaking up at the Immunity Challenge, when Brandon was having his meltdown. Rob thinks it is better to hang back, rather than get involved or voice an opinion.
Rob and Stephen move their discussion to the fans, and mention how Reynold Toepfer now seems to be shown in a positive light and Sherri is on the outskirts. Stephen still thinks Michael Snow and Matt Bischoff are going to be the ones to watch. Rob think Reynold will be the one to watch, but thinks he and Eddie Fox will still be targets due to their physical strength.
In the Listener Questions segment, the Know-it-Alls discuss whether Brandon’s exit was a mental health “medivac,” whether Brandon should be commended for standing up for himself, Brandon’s endorsement of Erik Reichenbach, and Stealth ‘R Us.
To close the show, Rob previews the next guest on the podcast: Edna Ma from Survivor South Pacific will be talking to Rob about her experience with Brandon, and Rob will also be breaking down the episode with Nicole. Rob also announces another member of Reality Game Masters: Big Brother winner Ian Terry will be competing against Sophie Clarke, Matt Hoffman, Stephen Fishbach, Eric Stein, and a yet-to-be named Survivor.