Know-It-Alls LIVE After a Wild Post-Merge Episode of Survivor

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The Survivor Know-it-Alls discuss the Survivor Caramoan episode “Blindside Time” which left Corinne Kaplan, who coined the name of the episode, as the one blindsided. Stephen says it’s the first good episode since the premiere, while Rob calls it “Level 1” Survivor (the time when everyone agrees it’s a good show).

First they discuss Corinne. Rob and Stephen both love Corinne and say it was hard to watch. Stephen compares her to Tyson’s position in Heroes vs. Villains, essentially voting herself out. Stephen says the place she went wrong was her insistence at voting out Sherri and not seizing the opportunity when Phillip says he wants to split the votes on Reynold and Eddie. Stephen thinks she was blinded by her instincts to disagree with Phillip. They want to know where Malcolm was in all of this. Stephen thinks he didn’t work Erik enough. Rob wonders if Malcolm should have kept the plan under wraps, and not involved Corinne. Stephen disagrees and thinks he did need to see where Corinne stood. Stephen is sure that Malcolm didn’t sign off on Corinne talking to Dawn Meehan. Rob wonders if Malcolm’s previous experience with a cautious player like Denise Stapley has led him to play with Corinne in a different way.

Next they talk about Dawn’s cutthroat gameplay: Francesca, Julia, and Corinne all confided in her and Dawn betrayed them. They give Dawn a lot of credit for starting the turnaround. Stephen says Stealth-R-Us operated perfectly, with Andrea, Phillip, Dawn and Cochran all voting out Corinne. Rob and Stephen then discuss whether Erik Reichenbach made the right decision. Rob wonders if Erik is playing an Ozzy 1.0 game, not wanting to strategize and just win challenges. Rob thinks he would have been better off with the Bros, but Stephen thinks he has a better way of winning his way into the finals with the Stealth-R-Us crew. The Know-it-Alls also try to figure out what is going on with Brenda Lowe. Stephen points out that she set a record with 7 episodes without a confessional. Stephen thinks Brenda and Erik should have negotiated a deal. Rob wonders if the fact that Brenda isn’t single has caused her to lose some strategic power.

Next Jessica Frey comes on and reads some of @Corinsanity’s tweets. Rob asks Stephen what the Twitter protocol should be after getting voted out, but he says he can’t possibly speculate since he was never voted out. Then the Know-it-Alls answer some viewer questions, and Stephen reveals that he will be awarding Corinne the Fishy for the effort she made orchestrating her own demise. Rob and Stephen disagree over whether or not Sherri Biethman has a chance to win.

Then Stephen and Rob talk about John Cochran’s superpower of eating disgusting food. Stephen was aware of this talent and not surprised that Cochran won immunity by winning the gross food challenge. Malcolm referred to Cochran as the “Ginger Kobayashi.” They also compare Cochran’s immunity challenge celebration to Troyzan. Rob says it shows Cochran is in a good spot since everyone was happy he won immunity. They also talk about how Malcolm can improve his position. The Know-it-Alls also laugh at the irony of Sherri not wanting to work with the real Phillip Sheppard.

Tomorrow Rob will be talking to two women who are not afraid to speak their mind: Corinne Kaplan in her exit interview, and two-time winner Sandra Diaz-Twine in the full-length Survivor podcast.

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