Know-It-Alls Recap The Final Wednesday of Survivor Caramoan

Rob starts off the show shedding a tear for his pre-season “winner pick” Brenda Lowe, and Stephen has to console Rob by explaining this is a game for a million dollars. Rob announces the Know it Alls will be live after Sunday night’s finale– Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don’t miss it!

First they talk about Brenda’s dramatic and emotional exit. Rob thinks it was one of the most brilliant exits, but Stephen isn’t so sure. Rob feels Brenda lacked the killer instinct and he’s blaming her dad for telling her to “be humble.”
The Know-it-Alls discuss the reward challenge, which put the winner, Brenda, in a bad spot, having to choose whether to deny herself and Dawn the family visit so that the remaining four tribe members could see their families. Rob compares it to Matthew giving up the reward in Survivor: Amazon. Stephen and Rob agree that Brenda should have kept the reward for herself to solidify the bond with her ally Dawn. Also, giving away the reward caused her to be viewed as a threat… as Cochran said “Likeability is a liability.” Rob thinks the move is to throw the family reward challenge.
Stephen thinks it was a mistake for Dawn Meehan to vote out Brenda, as Brenda was a lock to take her to the end. Rob agrees because Dawn was in a very nice spot if they voted out Eddie, because she would be the swing vote between Sherri and Cochran and Erik and Brenda. Rob thinks Dawn would have more of a fighting chance against Erik and Brenda, rather than Cochran. Rob also points out that Jeff Probst was wrong when he said it was Dawn’s first immunity win. She also won individual immunity during Survivor: South Pacific. Rob thought Brenda’s move to give immunity to Dawn during the immunity challenge was pretty savvy.
Stephen, on the other hand, thinks Brenda should have tried to either win or be vocal about giving up immunity to get credit for it.
Next Stephen and Rob talk about the Fan Favorite competition. Stephen thinks it’s a two-horse race between Malcolm Freberg and John Cochran. Rob would even like to see a “Cochran vs. Malcolm” season of Survivor. Rob wonders if Brenda has a chance for Fan Favorite with the sympathy vote after tonight’s episode.
Next, the Know-it-Alls revisit their long-standing debate on the existence of Erik Reichenbach strategy. Stephen says the results speak for themselves. Rob tries to psychoanalyze Erik. Erik seemed to want to climb the tallest tree in the hopes of falling off and injuring himself rather than getting outsmarted in the game.
In the viewer question segment, Stephen and Rob talk about the fitness level of Survivor loved ones, Erik’s vote for Eddie, Brenda’s and Reynold’s All Star potential, how the other players view Sherri, what makes a winning jury story, and which juror will have the best question.
Be sure to catch Rob’s exit interview with Brenda Lowe and Survivor recap podcast with Survivor: China winner Todd Herzog.
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