Talking with the Latest Player Voted Off Survivor – 03/21/13

This week on Survivor Caramoan, a tribe swap changed up the game. For Matt Bischoff, the swap wasn’t so sweet as he went from a pretty good position with the fans to the business end of 4-3 favorites advantage. Matt joins Rob to talk about the swap, his strategy and his BMX business.

Rob starts by asking Matt about the swap and how it affected his game. Matt felt like he was relieved at first to be on a tribe with Mike Show and Julia, whom he was aligned with at Gota but that was a short lived relief. Matt realized that they were severely outgunned by the other tribe which had Reynold, Eddie, Malcolm and Erik Reichenbach on their side.

Matt said that he was nervous at the tribal council but he was hoping that the tribe would choose to send Julia out of the game instead of him. Rob wants to know if it was a mistake to be so honest about the idols with the favorites. Matt thinks that being deceptive may have helped but that was not what his strategy was and he felt like striking a relationship with Phillip and the favorites was a better way to go.

Rob asked if Matt was upset that he never got a Stealth R Us nickname from Phillip Sheppard and Matt said it was truly disappointing. Matt also said that nobody ever came up and told Matt a name to vote off as Phillip had said would happen in the game.

Rob wanted to know more about Matt’s company, Failure Bikes. Matt is the owner and the brand manager of the company which produces BMX bikes. Matt likes the name “Failure” and doesn’t see it as a negative and if given the chance to play Survivor again he’d like to build upon his first failed try to win the game.

Join us later today when we talk with Aras (@OddUSMusic) live in the studio.

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