Holly Hoffman on Brenda & The Survivor Caramoan Favorites

Holly Hoffman played in Survivor Nicaragua with current Survivor Caramoan player, Brenda Lowe. Now she joins Rob Cesternino to lend her expertise about the new cast of Survivor on Rob Has a Podcast.

Rob starts by catching up with Holly to hear about what she’s been up to since Survivor Nicaragua. Holly has began a very productive career as a motivational speaker. Holly has given hundreds of speeches to people to help them overcome adversity.

Rob asks Holly about her relationship with Brenda Lowe and Holly says that they are on good terms. Holly says that Brenda was one of only two people who greeted her when she got back to the ponderosa. Holly thinks that Brenda is a great player but Rob worries that she might be in trouble. Rob thinks its a good thing for Brenda that Brandon is being so crazy – but she’s not in the best spot.

Rob turns to talking about Dawn Meehan and Rob wants to know if Dawn took Holly’s spot on Survivor Caramoan. Holly reveals that she actually took Dawn’s spot on Survivor Nicaragua way back when, so it’s really just the circle of life.

Rob asks Holly how she got to write the forward for Phillip Sheppard’s new book “The Specialist: The Costa Rica Job“. Holly says that she met Phillip at a charity event and thought that he was nothing like how he was depicted on the show. Rob wants to know if Holly has been offered a fulltime position yet at Stealth R Us, Inc.

Turning to the fans, Rob and Holly discuss how the hidden immunity idol was used by Reynold. Rob and Holly are both impressed by the game of Sherri so far – but think she could be in a jam next week. Rob asks Holly how she would handle the hidden immunity idol being in play like it is for the fans.

Later, Nicole Cesternino comes by for the second half of the show. Rob explains Reality Gamemasters to the audience with the help of Nicole and discusses the kickstarter page at: RealityGamemasters.com

Rob and Nicole take your voicemail calls which include someone asking about Jeff Probst’s recent appearance with Chuck Klosterman where Jeff described two Survivor players with very low IQ. Rob plays a clip and tries to guess who Jeff was talking about.

Show Links:

RobHasAwebsite.com/HollyHoffman – Pre-Order “Your Winner Within” on Amazon.com

RobHasAwebsite.com/Specialist – Order Phillip’s Book with Forward by Holly Hoffman on Amazon.com

RealityGamemasters.com – View the trailer for the first ever RHAP Original Web Series

Jeff Probst Interview – Here’s the link to the entire interview Jeff did with Chuck Klosterman

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