Survivor 2014: Exit Interview with Alexis Maxwell and Lindsey Ogle

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Rob Cesternino hosts a double exit interview with the latest two players eliminated from Survivor Cagayan. In this episode, Rob Cesternino talks with Alexis Maxwell, the latest player voted out on Survivor 28 and Lindsey Ogle who quit the game after her friend Cliff Robinson got blindsided last week.

Alexis Maxwell:

Alexis Maxwell was the latest player voted out on Survivor Cagayan
Alexis Maxwell was the latest player voted out on Survivor Cagayan

Rob welcomes Alexis to Rob Has a Podcast to discuss about her being voted out of the Appari tribe on this week’s episode.  Alexis answers the following questions:

  • How is Alexis feeling after being so devastated about being blindsided?
  • Did Alexis feel bad after watching the episode and finding out that Jeremiah was actually telling the truth?
  • Would Alexis have gone back with LJ and Jefra after the merge?
  • Was there any possibility that the three Beauty tribe members could have worked together at new Solana?
  • Why was there such a rift between herself and Jeremiah?
  • How long after the new tribe was formed did she let Spencer know that she would flip?
  • Did Alexis have any idea that Spencer thought she was phony?
  • How come Morgan was not mentioned as a possible target for the vote?
  • What was the relationship that Sarah had with the other members of the new Solana tribe, specifically the former members of the Brains tribe?
  • How big of a Survivor fan was Alexis before she came out on the show?

Lindsey Ogle:

Talking with Lindsey Ogle who quit the game on Survivor Cagayan
Talking with Lindsey Ogle who quit the game on Survivor Cagayan

Rob also speaks with Lindsey Ogle about quitting the game on this week’s episode of Survivor Cagayan.  Rob asks Lindsey the following questions:

  • Does Lindsey regret quitting the game?
  • Since quits on Survivor don’t traditionally happen at camp unless there is a medical reason, what did Lindsey tell production to get Jeff Probst to come out to talk to her that night on the beach?
  • Does Lindsey feel like she let Trish beat her?
  • Had Cliff Robinson stayed in the game and LJ got voted out, yet Trish was exactly the same, would Lindsey have quit the game?
  • Did Lindsey have animosity towards Tony since his vote ended up being the deciding vote against Cliff Robinson?
  • Will Lindsey attend the Survivor reunion or is she worried about what she might do to Trish?

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Rob Cesternino hosts an exit interview with the latest players voted off of Survivor Cagayan
Rob Cesternino hosts an exit interview with the latest players voted off of Survivor Cagayan
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