Rob Cesternino is back with another Survivor exit interview talking with the latest player eliminated from Survivor Blood vs. Water. This week, Rob speaks with former NFL player, Brad Culpepper about his time in the game and on Redemption Island.
On this episode, Rob finds out:
- What was it about Brad Culpepper which seemed to rub so many people the wrong way this season?
- How much did the format of the open forums during Redemption Island contribute to Brad’s downfall in the game?
- Why does Brad think that Caleb made the move to vote him out of the game and does Brad think it was a smart move?
- Was Brad Culpepper surprised that Vytas was the one to switch his vote?
- Did Monica and Colton’s relationship on Survivor One World have anything to do with the rocky relationship between Brad and Caleb?
- What was it like for Brad when he got to Redemption Island with John and Candice that first night?
- What was Laura Morett’s reaction after getting voted out when she showed up on Redemption Island?
- When did Brad think of the idea to throw the idol clue in to the fire?
- If Brad could do it over again, would he have still voted out John at the third tribal council?
- How did Brad’s life in the NFL prepare him for Survivor?
Join us later today when we speak with Erinn Lobdell and Matt Hoffman on this week’s Survivor Interview RHAP.
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