After another exciting episode of Survivor Blood vs Water, Rob Cesternino is joined by the latest eliminated player on a Rob Has a Podcast exit interview.
Aras Baskauskas (@OddUsMusic) was in a great position in the game until he got blind sided by Tyson Apostol right after the merge on Survivor Blood vs Water. This week, Aras was unable to beat his brother, Vytas, and fellow winner, Tina Wesson, at Redemption Island and became the first member of the Survivor Jury.
On today’s exit interview podcast, Rob speaks with Aras about:
- Congratulations on the engagement
- Does Aras have a cheeseburger?
- Where does Aras think he lost his grip on control of the game to Tyson?
- What did Aras think about the way Tyson treated him after the tribe swap to begin turning the remaining loved ones against Aras?
- What does Aras believe are the differences between what happened and how the events were portrayed on the show?
- After Aras was eliminated from Redemption Island, why did Aras mention telling his grandkids about Gervase voting him out?
- Going back to the first episode, why did Aras cross out a few names and then cast a first vote for Gervase?
- Does Aras stand by his decision to vote out Laura Morett at the first tribal council?
- Does Aras stand by his decision to attempt to vote out Laura Morett a the first tribal council after the merge?
- How has playing the game with his brother, Vytas, affected their relationship?
- Will Aras attend the RHAP roast?
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