Survivor 42 | Why ___ Won (and the Others Lost) Episode 13 Finale

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Survivor 42 | Why ___ Won (and the Other Lost) Episode 13 Finale

Maryanne knew she had a job to do as she approached the endgame, and it was something she’d been planning. The question was whether the other players or jury would realize it. Meanwhile, Lindsay’s fate was essentially set and then Jonathan lost to Mike’s blaze of glory. But at Final Tribal Council, the jury set a trap. Mike fell into it while Maryanne knew how to turn it to her advantage. Meanwhile Romeo tried to get attention for himself but was mostly unsuccessful. David and Jessica have five people to discuss, with the focus of course being largely on the Survivor 42 winner! It’s time to figure out why Maryanne won, and Mike, Romeo, Jonathan, and Lindsay lost!

David Bloomberg’s Seven Rules of Survivor

Rule 1: Scheme and Plot

Rule 2: But Don’t Scheme and Plot Too Much/Keep Your Scheming Secret/Don’t Backstab Until You Absolutely Need To

Rule 3: Be Flexible!

Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

Rule 5: Pretend To Be Nice/Play the Social Game (and Keep Your Politics and Controversial Beliefs To Yourself)

Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat

Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages

Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal

Appendix B: The Jury Phase


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