Survivor 42 | Why ___ Lost Episode 12 | David Bloomberg and Jessica Lewis
Omar said in interviews that his loss stemmed from the idol nullifier that we never even saw on TV. But do David and Jessica agree, or was that just the straw that broke the pigeon’s back? Omar realized that the other players should be voting him out, but didn’t think they knew everything he was doing. Did he get a bit too comfortable on his perch? Or were there other factors that turned the predator into prey? It’s time to do your best evil laugh as we figure out Why Omar Lost.
David Bloomberg’s Seven Rules of Survivor:
Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat
Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages
Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal