Survivor 42 | Why ___ Lost Episode 5 | David Bloomberg and Jessica Lewis
In his first Tribal Council, Daniel tried to take over this podcast and predict why he’d lose. Did he end up being right? In this episode, the show seemed to blame his spearfishing, so was that it? David and Jessica delve into things that happened early in the game, what happened later, and especially what happened in that Tribal Council where everything came apart at the seams for Daniel. What was he trying to accomplish? Why didn’t it work? What should he have done differently? And what breaking news do they reveal? It’s time to figure out Why Daniel Lost.
David Bloomberg’s Seven Rules of Survivor:
Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat
Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages
Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal