Survivor 41 | Why ___ Lost Episode 8 | David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis
The plan going into Tribal Council seemed to be to vote out Tiffany. Even after the craziness, that was the final plan as well. The question is why that was the case. Tiffany was on the bottom and couldn’t seem to get out. She couldn’t even get the crabs to help her! After being voted out, she said it didn’t make sense to get rid of her instead of someone who was in a more threatening position. Maybe she’s right and they were wrong to target her. David and Jessica address that and everything else that went on in this episode as they figure out Why Tiffany Lost.
David Bloomberg’s Seven Rules of Survivor:
Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat
Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages
Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal