Survivor 41 | Why ___ Lost Episode 12 | David Bloomberg & Jessica Lewis
Danny knew he was in trouble. He was on the outside of the core alliance with only one other person; Xander had lied to him about the prior vote; and Ricard had the nerve to win immunity again. But how did he end up in this position? And why did the others boot him even after Deshawn truth kamikazi’d himself in Tribal Council? David and Jessica go through everything, including revelations from Danny’s and other prior interviews to tell us what we didn’t see on TV. Plus they have extensive finale predictions! It’s time to figure out Why Danny Lost.
David Bloomberg’s Seven Rules of Survivor:
Rule 4: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
Rule 6: Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat
Rule 7: Know How to Deal with Idols and Advantages
Appendix A: Make Your Votes Count – Keep in Mind Your End Goal