Survivor 38 Returnee Profile: Aubry Bracco’s Story So Far

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Survivor 38 Returnee Profile: Aubry Bracco’s Story So Far

To start off the preseason for Survivor‘s thirty-eighth season, Rob Cesternino previews the four returning players to Survivor: Edge of Extinction, and third is Survivor: Kaoh Rong and Survivor: Game Changers‘s Aubry Bracco. Rob is joined by Mary Kwiatkowski and together, they discuss Aubry’s first two times playing and look forward to how they think she will do in her third time playing. They also go through her highlights as a guest on Rob Has a Podcast over the years.

Aubry’s RHAP Appearance Highlights

  1. Survivor 35 | Heroes v Healers v Hustlers LFC RHAPup | Aubry Bracco – December 22, 2017
  2. Aubry Bracco Answers Ep #7 Feedback from Survivor: Ghost Island – April 8, 2018

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