Survivor 32 Exit Interview | Latest Player Voted Out – 5/05/16

Rob Cesternino talks with the latest player to be eliminated from Survivor: Kaoh Rong in our weekly exit interview podcast.  Plus, Rob talks to Jordan Kalish about the moments from This Week in Survivor History

Survivor Kaoh Rong Exit Interview with Jason Kyle:

Rob asks Julia the following questions and more:

  • Why did Jason vote for Joe?
  • What was the crazy move that Jason wanted to make that nobody would listen to?
  • How much did Jason hurt himself by playing so hard at the previous tribal council? (he’s done it two times already)
  • How much animosity did jason have towards Tai at the point he went out of the game?
  • Jason said in his day after videos that he would have done everything the same, but after watching the episodes back, would he have changed anything socially or strategically?
  • How did Jason’s daughter react to seeing him with the animals in the episode?

Join us later on Thursday when we post our recap with Tyson Apostol of this week’s Survivor.

Watch this Week’s LIVE Know-It-Alls:


Watch the Video on YoutubeListen to the Podcast Version

Survivor 2016: Exit Interview with the Latest Player Voted off of Survivor Kaoh Rong Survivor 2016: Exit Interview with the Latest Player Voted off of Survivor Kaoh Rong[/caption] Become a patron of RHAP
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