Mr Survivor 2015 Recaps Episode 3 of Worlds Apart

Rob Cesternino talks with Mr. Survivor 2015, Spencer Bledsoe, about Episode 3 of Survivor Worlds Apart and the sold out LIVE Survivor Know-It-Alls Show held at Gotham Comedy Club in New York City

Catch This Week’s LIVE Survivor Know-It-Alls from Gotham Comedy Club in New York City.

Listen to the PodcastWatch the Show on YouTubeSUBSCRIBE on YouTube

Rob’s Latest Exit Interview:  Nina Poersch

Nina-Poersch-e1424134715261 Click to hear Rob’s exit interview with Nina Poersch[/caption]


Nina Poersch’s Exit Interview with Rob from March 12, 2015

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Vote RHAP at This Year's Podcast Awards for Best Entertainment Podcast and People's Choice Podcast of the Year


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