
As another service we are providing for the citizens of “Rob Has a Planet”, we have created some commemorative Rob Has a Podcast ringtones.  This idea was originally thought of by Rob Has a Podcast patron, Amy Shapiro and shared in the Patron facebook group.

Tony “This is Huge” Ringtone

Download iPhone Version – Created by Michelle Cleland

Download Mp3 Version – For Android Users


Setup Instructions for iPhone:

1.  Click the file link to download to your  my computer.

2.  Then drag the file in to your  iTunes and make sure it is there by selecting the “TONES” tab in  iTunes.

3.  Then click the button to sync your iPhone in iTunes (making sure that TONES is checked to sync under the sync settings iTunes)

Check to SYNC TONES on your iphone in iTunes

4.  Once you are synced select the tone on your iPhone under SETTINGS > SOUNDS

Select your new ring tone under SOUNDS settings
Select your new ring tone under SOUNDS settings