Are you the Ultimate Authority on a Season 34 Returnee?
In anticipation of another Survivor returning player season this spring, RHAP is going to be doing a special preview podcast on each of the Season 34 contestants. We are looking for the ultimate expert (and fan) of each returning player to join me for a deep-dive preview on the contestant.
These previews will begin airing on RHAP once CBS announces the official cast of Season 34. We’ll be trying to schedule times to interview you in early 2017.
If there is a specific player you’d like to join me on the podcast to discuss in the Survivor 34 preseason, here’s what you must be willing to do.
- Re-watch every episode from the returning player’s original season(s).
- Listen to every appearance that the player has made on Rob Has a Podcast
- Be prepared to talk about the returning player’s best moments, worst moments, what they took away from their previous experiences, what you think their gameplan should be and any other questions about the way they look at the game.
- This might be a big ask on my part but I’d also love if you could come in prepared to challenge any pre-existing notions that I have about a player from THE EVOLUTION OF STRATEGY. Don’t be afraid to disagree with my viewpoint of how a player sees the game.
To Apply to be a Returnee Expert:
- Send an email to season34 [at] robhasawebsite [dot] com
- Put the name of the returnee you want to discuss in the subject of the E-mail (Know-It-All Advice: There is a better chance of being picked by going for a person that might have less competition)
- Tell us why YOU should are the ultimate expert to discuss the specific returnee you are looking to be interviewed about (please no longer than 500 words).
- An attached audio file or youtube video of you speaking (while not mandatory) will definitely help us make a pick. If it’s close between two people, I’ll always take the person who will sound better on the podcast.
- Once selected we’ll work out a time to record an interview based on your availability.