Purple Pants Podcast | Snapshot Insights 45

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Purple Pants Podcast | Snapshot Insights 45

As the latest Survivor season unfolds, Brice and @WendellHolland are accompanied by former Survivor contestants James Jones @j2dajones  from #Survivor43 and Brandon Cottom @cottom_42 of #Survivor44. This quartet of Philadelphian Survivor alumni is all set to provide valuable advice to the new castaways, armed only with their contestant photos and brief descriptions.

Don’t forget to catch all the Survivor News Season 45 coverage on YouTube too! Make sure you’re subscribed to our channel for all the latest updates and video content.

Join us for a sneak peek into what promises to be an incredible season of Survivor. Tune in to Purple Pant Podcast: Survivor News – SnapShot Insights Episode 271 for your preseason coverage!

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