Purple Pants Podcast | Your Voice

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It’s your voice, so make sure it’s heard! Brice and @AmanAdwin won’t have any issues being heard this week as they spill the casual tea on the Big Brother finale (10:48-36:51).  As promised, Bricey is getting spicy when he’s joined by @therealbcamhi to discuss the most recent episode of The Amazing Race (36:52-1:04:48). With a very important week ahead, we’re making sure to stay thoughtful and grounded as we welcome Ms. Barb for another installment of “Barb’s Message” (1:24:25-1:26:35). As always, what episode is complete without Church Announcements (8:43-10:47), Purple Pants Picks (1:04:39-1:24:24), and Freak of the Week (1:26:36-1:35:24)?! It’s your voice so go make that choice, ‘cause ISSA ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 63!

Purple Pants Podcast with Brice Izyah
Purple Pants Podcast with Brice Izyah
Survivor Brice Izyah

Brice Izyah hosts the Purple Pants Podcast!

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