Purple Pants Podcast | Stay Home

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Things are definitely getting crazy out there and the best thing we can do is STAY HOME! Don’t worry though, we’re here to supplement your quarantine and chill with some fresh Purple Pants Podcast content. This week on the Survivor News, Brice and @jackatkins21 break down a spicy episode of “Survivor: Winners at War” while giving some insight into Jack’s world during quarantine. It’s been a few weeks, but “Prodigal Son” is back on the menu along with the season finale of hit show “Life After Lockup.” We’re also excited to welcome our great friend @DesiJWilliams as she joins Brice to give you some mental health tips in a segment we like to call: “Staying Sane while Quarantineeeeeed!” To further lift your spirits, we welcome back the beloved Ms. Barb as we journey into another installation of “Barb’s Message.” As always, no episode is complete without the Church Announcements, Purple Pants Picks, Advice with Brice, and Freak of the Week. Being in the house all day may be giving you cabin fever, but we hope you wet the whistle with a dose of PPP medicine ’cause ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 31!

As always, feel free to follow us on Instagram for weekly updates: @PurplePantsPodcast @BriceIzyah


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