Purple Pants Podcast | Reopening

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As the world preps to begin re-opening, one thing is for certain and that’s Brice is back with another episode. He is thrilled to welcome back, with open arms I might add, to the podcast, the iconic Ms. Barb! The two discuss what life during the pandemic has looked like, why Ms.Barb loves the FX show, “Pose” followed by some Q&As from the Purple Pants Posse and so much more.

Y’all know it’s been a while since the Purple Pants Promotion but Brice is back with it on this week’s episode. Joined by purple pants posse member and author of the book “Dear World, l Stutter,” James Hayden –  They discuss what it is like to stutter and James’s reasoning behind writing the book. And lastly, of course Brice is serving the church announcements and Freak of the week. Let’s get into locomotion as the world motions to reopen cuz ISSA ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 92!


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