Purple Pants Podcast | Protecting Your Peace

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Get your shields out because this week we’re all about protecting your peace! This week, we’re thrilled to welcome Big Brother 20’s @Kaitlyn_Herman to the podcast. She and Brice have a candid discussion about maintaining friendship and general life advice that you won’t want to miss (12:27-48:17). @AmanAdwin is back again and it’s looking like the Boston Tea Party with all the casual tea we’re spilling on what’s been going on in the Big Brother house (48:18-1:18:04). Ms Barb is back again for another inspirational installment of “Barb’s Message” (1:26:07-1:28:35). Finally, what podcast is complete without our weekly Church Announcements (7:28-12:26), Purple Pants Picks (1:18:05-1:26:06), and Freak of The Week (1:28:36-1:30:42)? You already know we’re not doing the least when it comes to protecting your peace, ’cause ISSA ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 59!

Purple Pants Podcast with Brice Izyah
Purple Pants Podcast with Brice Izyah
Survivor Brice Izyah

Brice Izyah hosts the Purple Pants Podcast!

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