Purple Pants Podcast | Lockdown

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By now I’m sure everyone is feeling their own personal lockdown, but don’t let that stop you from locking in to this week’s new episode of the Purple Pants Podcast! Unfortunately, our resident reporter @jackatkins21 had to call in sick this week (he’s almost 100% after a bout of strep), so we welcome our girl Missy Byrd from Survivor: Island of the Idols to come kick it with us for this week’s Survivor News! HBO’s hit show “Insecure” is back with their fourth season and Brice is providing you with a quick intro for what to expect. As a big fan of Bravo’s “The Real Housewives” franchise, Brice is excited to give the posse another introduction to a new season of RHONY. As always, we’ve got you covered with the weekly Church Announcements, Purple Pants Picks, Advice with Brice, and Freak of the Week. Yes, you may be on lockdown, but we’re breaking on into ya eardrums ’cause ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 34!

As always, feel free to follow us on Instagram for weekly updates: @PurplePantsPodcast @BriceIzyah


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