Purple Pants Podcast | Lituation

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Brice Is back with a “Lituation” of an episode of the Purple Pants Podcast. You don’t want to miss Brice break down his weekend Survivor  Holiday Party in the Big Apple when he got to meet his favorite person in the world. On the Purple Pants Menu this week with have the Survivor News with our reporter Jack ” Baby Boy” Atkins. Brice is breaking down the winter finale of the Fox hit show ” Prodigal Son”, He’s keeping you in the loop of the  Housewives of ATL. Brice gives you his take on the Netflix film ” The Irishman”. Justin Timberlake is out here crying a river and Brice explains all. Brice Introduces a new segment called ” Purple Pants Pop-Ups” where he highlights up and coming entrepreneurs.  No Purple Pants Podcast is complete without the Church Announcements, Purple Pants Picks, Advice with Brice, and the Freak of the week.  Not sure you need me to say it but  ” You want me to say it”  Issa Purple Pants Podcast

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