Purple Pants Podcast | Intuition

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We are back this week staying true and following our intuition. Brice takes the posse back down memory lane to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Destiny’s Child’s third studio album, “Survivor.” If you really know Brice, you know he’s an unofficial Destiny’s Child member. Brice goes into detail about how he discovered Destiny’s Child, his music taste growing up, how Destiny’s Child impacted his life, and his future wishes for the iconic female singer group. Also on the podcast, Brice welcomes back @AudreySizemore1 to break down the lastest four episodes of the Netflix’s show “The Circle .” The amazing Ms. Barb is back this week to bless our lives with another installment of Barb’s Message. Y’all already know the podcast would not be complete without the Church Announcements and Freak of the Week. And remember, It’s no competition just follow your intuition cause ISSA ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 90!

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