Purple Pants Podcast | Humble

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We’re only a week into the year but it’s been jam-packed with craziness. Fear not however, as ya baby boy is staying humble and on his grind to deliver a new episode! We welcome back the Survivor and Tik Tok Queen herself @TheLaurenAshleyBeck to break down the last two episodes of WE TV’s Life after Lock Up. If the audio isn’t enough for you, head over to Brice’s Youtube page “Brice Izyah” for a full video version of the discussion (11:33-1:10:55). After the crazy week we just had we are definitely in need of another grounding installment of “Barb’s Message” (1:24:38-1:26:35). As always, what podcast is complete without our Church Announcements (8:33-11:32), Purple Pants Picks (1:10:56-1:24:37), and Freak of the Week (1:26:36-1:32:14)?! It’s hard to fumble when we out here staying humble, ’cause Issa Issa Issa Purple Pants Podcast, episode 74!

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