Purple Pants Podcast | Hocus-Pocus

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With Thanksgiving right around the corner, you already know Brice is stuffing ya ear with a cornucopia of topics on another delicious episode of the Purple Pants Podcast. This week, Brice is bringing that heat and that smoke with coverage of the latest Survivor episode with assistance from Survivor News reporter Jack Atkins. He also digest that peachy tea brewed by the real housewives of Atlanta and discusses the long awaited season finale of “Love after Lockup.” This episode also introduces a new bi-monthly segment called “Purple Pants Premonitions,” where Brice and spiritual guru Gangsta Gurry provide some guidance through spiritual analysis and energy readings. And just like gravy on Thanksgiving, no episode could be complete without our weekly Purple Pants Picks and Advice with Brice. Just like the turkey this Thursday, we coming hot and fresh out the oven ’cause ISSA Purple Pants Podcast!

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