Purple Pants Podcast | Compassionate Concern

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After an amazing, much needed, three day weekend Brice is back with some Compassionate Concerns. Brice welcomes the lovely and very wise  @DearFranny back to show to discuss betting on yourself – Franny explains that a friendship is a relationship (whew chile get into it), knowing your self-worth, the importance of self love and so much more. We’re serving the posse another Purple Pants Promotions – this week Brice chats with his childhood friend, Melissa Morgan Bradly, the owner of the fashion and lifestyle brand @BrooklynCozybyMel. Y’all know the icon herself, Ms. Barb, is back here to give the children what they need with Barb’s Message. And lastly, what podcast is complete without the Church announcement and freak of the week. No need to unlearn what you heard just show a little more compassionate concern cause ISSA ISSA ISSA  Purple  Pants Podcast, episode 94!

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