Purple Pants Podcast | Bling Bling!
Even with Brice on vacation, he ensures the posse eats with a brand-new episode! Brice welcomes RHAP & Silent Podcast contributor, Geneve Guadalupe (Ig:@peacelovegenupdates /Twitter: @peaceloveGen) to the podcast to break down Season Three of Netflix’s hit show, “Bling Empire. As a bonus for the posse, Brice and Brooke (@therealbcamhi) share their interview with Season 34 Amazing Race contestants Quinton and Mattie. (@itsaquintonthing & @mattieelynchh)
You can also watch along on Brice Izyah’s Youtube Channel to watch us break it all down.
Ms.Barb drops another dose of “Barb’s Message.” No podcast is complete without our “Church Announcement” and “Freak of the Week.” Don’t look too closely at our bling bling cause Issa Issa Issa Purple Pants Podcast Episode 206!