Purple Pants Podcast | Buckle Up

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Purple Pants Podcast | Buckle Up

And just like that, we are back with your Survivor News! Covering the new season of Survivor, Brice welcomes his baby boy, Netflix’s The Circle: Season Two @JackAtskins21 to help break down the season premiere of what looks to be another epic season of  Survivor. Brice and Jack share their thoughts of the episode after watching it together at the Brice and Wen present watch party. All this and more on this recap of Episode 1 of Survivor 42. You can also watch along on Brice Izyah’s Youtube Channel to watch us break it all down. https://youtube.com/channel/UCFlglGPPamVHaNAb0tLs7g
Buckle up, we’re going on a roller coaster ride cause ISSA ISSA ISSA Purple Pants Podcast, episode 144!

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