Pod Friends | Mary Kwiatkowski: Tripping & Falling
Frail Mary is everything. She’s a podcaster (on RHAP and on Kowskicast), a marathon runner, a live reality game player, a software developer, a Craig Benzine fan, a writer of fan fiction, a rec sports league athlete, the subject of a song called Spelling with Mary, and so much more. Mary Kwiatskowski is a long-time RHAP mainstay with an incredible history and even brighter future ahead, and this conversation with Pod Friends host Matt Scott (@MattScottGW) is the perfect encapsulation of the humor, wit, brilliance, passion, tenacity, and relatability that you get anytime you hear from Mary. Enjoy the conversation – including the world premiere of Spelling with Mary – and get to know yet another pod friends.
Watch on YouTube at robhasawebsite.com/youtube.
Introduction: 1:30
Interview begins: 6:37
Special segment: Listening to “Spelling with Mary”: 1:10:08
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