Pod Friends | Dwight Moore Jr: Taking A Chance

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Pod Friends | Dwight Moore Jr: Taking A Chance

This week’s Pod Friends season finale guest has interviewed President Jimmy Carter, Cory Booker, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Usher, Soledad O’Brien and so many others – and most of that was before the age of 13! You know Dwight Moore Jr. (@DwightMoore_Jr) from the mark he left on Survivor 43, but in this interview with host Matt Scott (@MattScottGW) you’ll get to know Dwight as an interviewer and as a person. Hear how Dwight has become so “fearless” in his life and career. Hear him reflect on starting his interviewing career at 5 years old with someone many would dream of meeting. Hear about his family history and all of the thing Matt and Dwight unexpectedly have in common. Enjoy this week’s episode of Pod Friends!

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