Pod Friends | Sasha Joseph: Living Life Full-Sized

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Pod Friends | Sasha Joseph: Living Life Full-Sized

This week’s guest is Sasha Joseph! You know her from Rob Has A Podcast, Post Show Recaps, and Reality TV RHAPups, where she’s covered 90 Day Fiancé, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Big Brother, Survivor, and a soon-to-be-released, new RHAPups project (more to come!). In this interview, we talk about Sasha’s journey from Mumbai, India to the U.S., her identity as a Jewish woman of color, her work launching a cohort of badass Black women and women of color, finding belonging despite your differences, and not being in systems that don’t serve you. We also talk about her appearances on two reality shows growing up, and just all of the amazing, unique pieces that make Sasha the unstoppable force she is! Interviews start at 8:00 in.

Pod Friends (@HeyPodFriends) features confessional conversations going “behind the mic” with the voices of the RHAP network. Host Matt Scott (@MattScottGW) (he/him) sits down with a range of podcasters and people to learn about who they are and their whys, far beyond the shows that bring us together. The goal is to truly get to know each guest, and to go beyond just being “pod friends”.

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