Pod Friends | Kevin McLain & Nigel Bocanegra: Take the Leap

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Pod Friends | Kevin McLain & Nigel Bocanegra: Take the Leap

Pod Friends (@HeyPodFriends) features confessional conversations going “behind the mic” with the voices of the RHAP network. Host Matt Scott (@MattScottGW) (he/him) sits down with a range of podcasters and people to learn about who they are and their whys, far beyond the shows that bring us together. The goal is to truly get to know each guest, and to go beyond just being “pod friends”.
This week’s guests (in separate interviews edited together) are Kevin McLain (@AsianNarc) and Nigel Bocanegra (@NigelSpeed), who joined RHAP together through the Class of 2020. Kevin and Nigel met at an RHAP community event in DC during Survivor: Ghost Island, and have been together ever since – including a recent move from DC to the San Francisco Bay Area. In this podcast, Matt talks with Kevin and Nigel about their big move, how each of them grew up, their relationship, coming out, and more. Interviews start at 8:15 in.
If you’re interested in supporting Josh Green, co-creator of RHAP Out of Context, in his fundraiser for the Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania, visit https://twitter.com/joshgreen321 to learn more.
Submit your suggestions for future Pod Friends guests: bit.ly/podfriendsnom.
Watch the video version of this podcast: robhasawebsite.com/youtube.
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Tune in to Matt on the Wrestling RHAPup, at robhasawebsite.com/wrestlingfeed.Watch and listen to Black Voices of RHAP, hosted by Matt: https://robhasawebsite.com/black-voices-rhap/


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