Play Big Brother 16 Live Feed Bingo to Win $500


Big Brother 2014: Sign up for the BB16 Live Feeds

Big Brother 16 is right around the corner, getting ready to kick off on Wednesday, June 25th. For the third straight year, we’re going to be playing Big Brother Bingo here on

Save 20% with the Early Bird Discount on CBS Big Brother 16 Live Feeds

To play Big Brother Live Feed Bingo simply sign up for the Big Brother Live Feeds on at:

The way the game works is you simply watch the Big Brother Live Feeds and wait for things to happen that are on your individualized Bingo card.  Each card is going to be different so when you are able to mark off 5 spaces in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally you’ve got BB BINGO!  The first person to get BB Bingo confirmed will win $500.00.

Remember to record the date, time and live feed camera that each event happens on so we can verify your card using the Big Brother Flashback feature.

Click for more Big Brother 2014 Live Feed Contest Details

CBS Announces Early Bird Content Starting June 4th

CBS announced this week there is going to be some exclusive content happening on the Live Feeds for people that have signed up early.  There are going to be interviews and features with former Big Brother players, including former Big Brother winners.

Help Create Big Brother Live Feed Spaces

We can use your help coming up with spaces for the Big Brother Live Feed game.  The perfect ideas for spaces are ones that cannot have a gray area.  A good example of a space might be “Houseguest cuts open a watermelon” (where there is no room for judgement) while “Houseguest uses sarcasm” leaves a lot of room for a judgement call to be made.

If you have ideas for interesting spaces for the Big Brother 16 Live Feed game, please post them in the comment section for this post.

The $25 Pyramid is Coming: A RHAP Original Game Show

On June 17th, we are going to have another Big Brother Game Show Live Event when Matt Hoffman takes on Ian Terry on “The $25 Pyramid”.  We’re giving away Big Brother Live Feeds to one lucky RHAP listener as they match wits with the former Big Brother players.


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