The Specialist Speaks: Phillip Sheppard on Coach, Cochran & Survivor South Pacific

On Survivor Redemption Island, Phillip Sheppard was known as The Specialist as part of the Stealth R Us alliance with Boston Rob Mariano and Grant Mattos. Today, Phillip joins Rob Cesternino and Nicole to discuss all of the latest happenings on Survivor South Pacific. On this episode we will discuss:

– What does Phillip think about the constant comparisons that were made last season of himself and Coach Ben Wade? Does Phillip think that he played at all like Coach and if Coach is playing at all like Phillip did?

– What does Phillip think about John Cochran’s decision to flip sides from the Savaii tribe to the Upolu tribe. What would Phillip have done in Cochran’s situation and how does Phillip compare Cochran’s situation in Savaii to his own situation in the Ometepe tribe?

– How does Phillip compare the game that Coach is playing this season to the game that Boston Rob played on Survivor Redemption Island?

– Which of the remaining players does Phillip thinks has the best chance to win Survivor South Pacific?

– What nicknames does Phillip have for Rob and Nicole if they were members of the Stealth R Us alliance?

– Does Phillip agree with the decision that Albert Destrade and Sophie Clarke made on this week’s episode to not go against Coach?

– How does Phillip rate Ozzy’s chances to both return to the game and potentially win?

– Plus we take all of your questions and comments, go over Jeff Probst most inappropriate out of context quotes and Rob and Nicole break down all of the Survivor feuds on twitter from this week including a new feud between Russell Hantz and John Cochran!

With Phillip Sheppard in the house you know it’s gonna be a Survivor podcast that’s so good, it should be classified!

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