News AF

News AF 53 | The Rat-Carrying Spider is News AF – October 25, 2016

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Rob, Tyson and Danny talk about The Rat Spider, Girl Scout Cookies Cereal, Ken Bone’s Rehabilitation, Blockbuster ID, Canada Heist, Ben & Jerry’s Beer, Haunted Strip Club, Eric Trump’s Lemonade and more!

10:45 – Rat Spider

New York has their Pizza Rat, but Australia has their Rat Spider. Jason Womal captured a video of a spider dragging what seemed to be a dead mouse over the fridge. Ever since Jason posted the video to Facebook, it has received over six million views. Since Jason has discovered the spider, he has decided to call the huntsman spider Hermie.

18:42 – Girl Scout Cookies Cereal

General Mills has announced that in January, they will release 2 flavores of Girlscout Cookie cereals. The flavors, Thin Mint and Caramel Crunch, which will resemble the Samoa cookies, will be limited edition, but there are very few details out as of now.Whether or not any proceeds will go to any Girl Scouts has yet to be revealed as well.

24:50 – Ken Bone’s Rehabilitation

Ken Bone has been doing a lot to rehabilitate his image this week. He has appeared in several advertisements, including iZod and a local pizza commercial for a restaurant in Missouri. It is the cringiest local commercial I’ve ever seen. There’s not much more to say about it, except that at the very beginning he pronounces “Presidential” wrong.

30:40 – Blockbuster ID

A man in Indianapolis this week claims to have successfully used his Blockbuster card as proof of ID to buy alcohol. The man claimed on reddit that it took him about 15 tries, but he was eventually successful in using the card as a proof of age.

33:33 – Canada Heist

Another Canadian heist: An array of female mannequins have gone missing from stores in downtown Belleville, Ontario. A total of 11 mannequins have been stolen, often with their clothing ripped off and left behind. The break-ins have been going on since May, and police are asking the public for help in solving this case.

38:38 – Ben & Jerry’s Beer

On October 31, Ben & Jerry’s will release its Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough beer in an effort to raise money for charity. Part of the proceeds for the product, which is a 6% ale brewed with chocolate and vanilla will go toward a climate change advocacy group. The author of this article received an advanced tasting, and claims it actually does taste like cookie dough. It will be available in beer shops all over the US starting Monday.

42:22 – Haunted Strip Club

A Portland DJ is opening a limited time only haunted house strip club in Portland this weekend. The club is designed to be both sexy and scary, as well as an educational experience for people who may not be familiar with strip club etiquette. According to the DJ, the theme of the club is “The Seven Deadly Strip Club Sins,” and the visitors will learn through their visit what not to do at a strip club, as well as enjoy a spooky night out.

47:12 – Eric Trump’s Lemonade

Eric Trump has made people angry this week after someone posted a photo with him at In-N-Out following the debate on Wednesday. The photo shows Trump holding a water cup clearly filled with lemonade, indicating that he did not pay for the beverage. The person in the photo is actually a Trump supporter, but the photo leads people to believe that he either intentionally stole lemonade, or does not know how to use a soda machine properly.

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