News AF

News AF 51 | Ken Bone is News AF – October 11, 2016

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Rob, Tyson and Danny talk about Ken Bone, Canadian Taco Bell AirBnb, KFC Breakfast, Scrotal Botox, Lotto Bob and more!

Ken Bone is Everywhere

Rob, Tyson and Danny discuss the internet sensation that is Ken Bone. After appearing at the second presidential debate, Ken Bone has become a national celebrity and the subject of numerous internet memes. Rob, Tyson and Danny discuss what Ken Bone’s next move should be and why he’s following News AF listener Jen Manning (@JenIsWrongagain) on twitter.

Taco Bell Partners With Air BNB to create a Steakcation

Taco Bell has announced this week that it will be turning one of its Canada locations into an Air BnB for one night on October 17. They are calling the promotion a “Steakcation,” and will be complete with movies, video games, and a Taco Bell butler to bring you all of your new Taco Bell Steak Doubledillas, which the event is being used to promote.

KFC Announces A Breakfast Menu in the UK

In related British news, KFC has announced that 10 of its UK stores will introduce a brand new breakfast menu. The menu will be available from 6am to 10am, and hopefully will not include the lost chicken from the last story.

Most Millennials Won’t Try a Big Mac

A top McDonald’s franchisee claims that only one in five millennials have ever had a Big Mac. The sales of the burger have declined significantly due to people’s preference for “quality” fresh ingredients. Competitors such as Shake Shack and Five Guys, however, are growing in popularity with millennials.

Drones Are Now Delivering Burritos

Burrito-delivering drones are currently being tested covertly in Virginia. The Alphabet Inc. company claims that the drones could be used for many purposes in the future, such as delivering medicine during natural disasters, but for now they are dropping burritos on college campuses.

A New Soy Based Candle Smells Like New Macs

An Apple accessory company has released a new scented soy candle designed to smell exactly like a new Mac computer. The product costs $24, but they are currently out of stock on their website.

The Hottest New Procedure for Men is Scrotox

“Scrotox,” or botox injections into male private parts is on the rise. The procedure, which costs about $3,500, decreases sweating, reduces wrinkles, and makes it appear larger. According to one plastic surgery location, requests for the procedure have more than doubled over the past year.

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