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Rob, Tyson and Danny talk about the hoverboard priest, two broke girls, tacos, Politwoops, Womb Music, Tommy Texter, Militia standoffs in Oregon, ham covered dogs, threesomes and more!
News AF 11 – Hoverboard Priest – 01/04/16
- Movie Phone Etiquette: Rob and Nicole saw Star Wars – discussion on cell phone etiquette, smart watches, movie trailers taking too long.
- New Year’s (7:39): Danny shares his annoyance over his neighbors New Year’s pyrotechnics.
- Hoverboard Priest (9:20): Priest did sermon from Hoverboard and was suspended. Discussion on ways to increase attendance at church.
- Ham Dog (14:10): Viral photo of badly burned dog turned out to be a piece of ham on its face. Discussion of slacktivism (pejorative portmanteau of slacker + activism – forward this to everyone on FB).
- Oregon Standoff (18:50): Militia group took over Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters.
- Where White People Meet (22:10): Billboard in Utah advertising new dating site
- Politwoops App (28:50): New app that shows tweets posted then deleted by politicians. Claim to fame: Congressional staffer fired after tweeting during 2013 Super Bowl ‘Me likey broke girls’. #MeLikeyNewsAF
- Ants on drugs (34:10): Study done on bugs on drugs concludes permanent alteration from use of drugs. Discussion on which drugs to take to help stick to your New Year’s Resolutions.
- Auto Brewery Syndrome & DUI Acquittal (37:18): Woman in NY had her DUI dismissed because she has Auto Brewery Syndrome (aka Gut Fermentation Syndrome).
- Taco Tuesday (41:45): Las Vegas Taco place uses security footage of robbery in a commercial to help find the burglars and recoup costs. Leads to discussion on how Jared Fogle is going to fare in prison.
- Mixtape Tampon (46:48): Babypod – Music speaker inserted like a tampon to play tunes in utero. Not available in the U.S. on their website.
- Menage et trois Murder (51:24): Submitted by Tyson. Man murders friend after accidental contact (ball to ball) during a menage et trois. Deemed Actual Craptual. Rob marvels at the choreography and gambling that must occur during such an act. Danny finds an article on a similar case at Yale from back in September that ended in murder. Tyson wonders if these 3 people met at and how did someone at Yale get access to a knife.
- Adam from Australia (57:00): #WatermelonBoy, Australian Survivor,
- Episode Hashtag (1:03:00): #MeLikeyNewsAF
15. 5 Star Review of the Week: from PT.Raja Jan 2, 2016
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