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In this special edition of the Are You the One RHAP-up podcast, Brian (@busdriversroute) was flying solo as he had a chance to speak to the 11th girl Christina. They broke down everything about her journey from when she found out about the twist all the way through the reunion.
They discussed how long into the interviewing process it was until she even found out about the twist and what her reaction was to it. They broke down how being the 11th girl changed her strategy going into the house and how it affected her relationship with Brandon.
Plus they discussed that controversial final matchup ceremony with Layton’s decision and her role in the whole fiasco. And of course the big news at the reunion surrounding her, Brandon and Alexandria. This interview covered it all.
Brian took many questions from Facebook and Twitter from the great fans and be sure to always submit those at
Hear everything that Brian and Ali (@lashtweets) have to say about this season by subscribing at so you don’t miss a single episode.
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