MTV Reality RHAPup | Are You The One 5 Finale Recap

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This week, Adam Buongiovanni (@AdamBongo) and Ali Lasher (@lashtweets) were joined by Angela Bloom (@angpalaggi) to talk about the historic final episode of Are You The One? season 5. They tried to get to the bottom of the elusive “strategy,” determine where the cast went wrong, and weigh the merits of the new twists introduced this season.

They broke down the current status of all of the perfect matches and non-perfect match couples and gave our takes on the drama that kept us entertained all season long. They also hit all of the highs and lows from the action-packed reunion. As a bonus, Angela and Adam schooled Ali on MTV’s new show, Stranded with a Million Dollars.

They took all of your questions from Facebook and Twitter so be sure to submit those all season long.

Hear everything about The Challenge and AYTO by subscribing at so you don’t miss a single episode.

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