Winner of Survivor: Kaoh Rong (Season 32): Michele Fitzgerald
Michele Fitzgerald was named the winner of Survivor: Kaoh Rong (also known as Survivor: Kaoh Rong — Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty) (Season 32) during the finale on May 18, 2016. She defeated runners-up Aubry Bracco and Tai Trang by a vote of 5-2-0. At the time of her win, Michele was a 25-year-old bartender from Freehold, New Jersey. Michele’s sincerity and strong social relationships are what led to her win. Michele made it the longest without going to their first Tribal Council, which came on day 22, and was the only person to accomplish this feat and not get voted out and their first Tribal Council.

Michele Fitzgerald’s Appearances on Rob Has a Podcast
- Survivor Kaoh Rong Final 3 Interview Special – May 19, 2016
- Bro, I Know! It’s The Michele Fitzgerald Interview | Survivor Kaoh Rong – June 9, 2016
- Survivor 33, Episode 1 Recap with Michele Fitzgerald – September 23, 2016
- Survivor Know It Alls | Millennials vs Gen X Episode 6 Recap | Caroline’s NYC – October 26, 2016
- Love Know-It-Alls Ep #2 with Michele Fitzgerald – January 14, 2018
- Survivor Know-It-Alls | LIVE Boston | Ghost Island Episode 10 Recap – April 25, 2018
- Survivor 39 Know-It-Alls | Island of the Idols Episode 4 Recap LIVE FROM NYC – October 16, 2019