Mess Magnets | Episode 6: Get That Bread and Leave

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Mess Magnets | Episode 6: Get That Bread and Leave

Do you love juicy secrets? Got any hot goss? Tea to be spilled? Welcome to the Mess Magnets podcast, the new pop-culture gossip pod hosted by Kirsten MacInnis and Sasha Joseph! Kirsten and Sasha dish the drama about all your favourite celebs, trending topics and even anonymous submissions from listeners!

This week on Mess Magnets: Duex Moi exposed, Rihanna’s baby, Wagatha Christie, Migos break up, Jolie/Pitt custody battle, Diddy love triangle, Mac Miller dealer sentencing, Pete Davidson leaves SNL, Anony-mess!

Visit the Mess Magnets Google Form to anonymously submit your mess to be featured on a future episode!

Don’t forget to follow your hosts Kirsten @Kirstensaidwhat and Sasha @FunSize_04 on Twitter and subscribe to the Mess Magnets Feed!

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