The Masked Singer | Season 9 Ep 3 Recap

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The Masked Singer | Season 9 Ep 3 Recap

Tune up those microphones and grab your costumes… The Masked Singer is back! Join Pooya and Liana Boraas as they recap season 9, episode 3 of the hit singing show!

Pooya and Liana will be back all season long to RHAPup all of The Masked Singer madness! Want to stay up to date with all-things Masked Singer? Head on over to Twitter and follow @Pooyaism and @LianaRHAP for more updates.

Any guesses who might be behind the masks so far? Send us a tweet and let us know all of your Masked Singer thoughts by tagging @RobHasAPodcast and using the hashtags #RHAP and #MaskedSinger!

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