Rob Cesternino opens the show talking about how much he enjoyed this episode and then he is soon joined by Rhaporter, Jessica Leise, to discuss the ends and outs of the episode with the departure of super fans, gary wojnar and will chiola. They discuss the harder the normer tasks as well as a disgusting but interesting fast forward. They discuss if Twinning is winning and if they are the new “brenchel” of this season. Rob ends the Amazing race discussion from a musical video from Amazon Race 21’s own Jaymes Vaughn.
Aaron Robertson joins Rob to talk how Malcolm Freberg and Denise Stapley are faring being split up and if Denise is in a rough spot if Kalabaw loses. The Kalabaw Rhaporter known as “kalabaw for life” (Paul) discusses how Jeff Kent’s relationship with Denise Stapley may prove beneficial to Denise’s chances as well as in interesting promo that CBS released this week. Tyler Sloan rhaps the show by discussing how Tandang could fair with Pete, Abi, and the conflict in the tribe and if Malcolm is truly in the middle. Rob and Tyler discuss Kalabaw having a better chance to stay strong in the merge as opposed to Tandang.
[audio:]Recapping Episode 4 of the Amazing Race Life on Rob Has a Podcast[/caption]